Craft a bright new world, in Ayun Sovos!

The First Written Recipe

One of the holiest upon holy documents known to the world is the simplest thing, but holds the greatest weight over the people of Ayun Sovos: the first ever written recipe.   It is no secret that the people of Ayun Sovos are a crafty sort, and this often shows itself in culinary creations and the sharing of their delicious creations with others. This culture has arisen largely due to the historical discovery of this very document. Oh, how the people marveled at the finding, tucked away far, deep within one of the greatest dungeons ever explored by the adventurer's league in its earliest days — before there even was an adventurer's league! It was this finding which spurred the league's creation in the first place, that more adventurer's would have the opportunity to explore the world and bring back wonderful things for the world to appreciate.   The curious thing about this discovery, however, is that no one really knows what it says. Archaeologists had a field day attempting to identify the document's nature to begin with, as it is quite lengthy, and written in an unknown language on top of it all! There's no real guarantee that it is a recipe at all, but linguists have pulled a few meanings and translations from nearby ruins that mostly resemble terms related to food, and the understanding from that time forward became that this was indeed a recipe! The oldest text known to this world was penned to spread the good word of something delicious, and one day we just might learn what that was!   Linguists continue to linger in the dungeon in which this recipe was found, in the hopes that they may find some more definitive explanations or translations for its contents, but it's a very slow process. Perhaps there is something they're missing?


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