Attraction, Sexuality, Gender & Sex on The Station

Oh, I think I filled in that questionnaire wrong. ...I wrote 'yes, please.'
— A new inhabitant after filling out a form
  As the The Station was inhabited by the Dragons before any other societies arrived, their views on these things are the predominant and the prevailing order of things. While the dragons took much inspiration from how the original creators, the Kaose, ran this Station, they did not adapt or use their views at all when it came to this as their opinions very much clashed.   This is taught in schools, which means that mainstream society has a general opinion on these subjects, though some personal beliefs clash with the mainstream among the population, especially since there are now many outside influences. Some individuals or groups may hold more narrow or rigid views on attraction, sexuality, and gender, influenced by their cultural backgrounds or personal experiences. These differences are generally approached with respect and dialogue, emphasizing the dragon's commitment to a society where all voices are heard and considered.   The schools teach the kids that this is only one way of classifying these subjects for people who need labels and classifications. Individual's experiences of these subjects are individual and shouldn’t be dissuaded even if they don’t happen to fit these classifications.  


According to the Dragons, attraction is an affinity that's emotional, romantic, physical, or aesthetic in nature.   Emotional attraction is platonic love. Desires to interact that you might feel towards a friend or a family member. This might or might not include nonsexual cuddling and hugs.   Romantic attraction is romantic love. A desire to share your life together with someone (or more than 1 person). This may also include cuddling and hugs but is more likely to be sexual. But this is not necessary. Like with all things in dragon society, there are no blacks and whites. Everything (yes completely everything) is on a spectrum. There is a long list of labels that can be used, the largest ones are Androromantic, gynoromantic, omniromantic, skolioromantic, and aromantic.   Physical, also called sexual attraction, is the need to be physically intimate with a person. This usually includes cuddling, but it's not necessary. It includes sexual physical intimacy. It does not necessarily include penetration, but it could. Again, everything is a spectrum. The sexual attraction is very close to sexuality, but it's not the same. Person A can be attracted to masculinity: Androsexual attraction, to femininity: Gynosexual attraction, to non-binary people: Skoliosexual attraction, to anyone: Omnisexual attraction, and to none: Asexual attraction, independent of which gender they have themselves.   Aesthetic attraction is when a person find another “pretty”. This can include cuddling but is more likely not to. It’s usually just the appreciation of someone’s physical body, or the way that they present their physical body.  


Depending on the gender of Person A in the attraction example, they can be heterosexual, homosexual, pansexual, skoliosexual, or asexual. Of course, there are spectrums and sub-sexualities. In dragon society, there is a broad acceptance of various sexual orientations. Pansexuality, where individuals are attracted to others regardless of their gender identity, is particularly celebrated, reflecting the dragons own shapeshifting abilities and non-binaryness.   Sexuality education is comprehensive and inclusive, ensuring that all young dragons and other inhabitants understand and respect the wide range of sexual identities and preferences. This education emphasizes consent, mutual respect, and the importance of personal boundaries, fostering a culture where individuals feel safe and respected in their expressions of sexuality.  

Gender & Sex

In dragon society, gender and sex used to be viewed as the same thing. The dragons are born sexless and proclaim their gender when they are mature enough, usually after education during their maturity ceremony. As dragons are shapeshifters, they can have any secondary gender traits that they wish, which means that they can procreate with any other species that they wish to procreate with.   When other species were invited to live on The Station together with the dragons, their view on gender and sex quickly changed. They came to the conclusion that since many other species can't change their biological sex, gender, and sex can't be the same thing.   In dragon society, like usual, gender is seen as a spectrum rather than a binary concept. The process of proclaiming one’s gender is a significant rite of passage, celebrated and respected by the entire community. Inhabitants may proclaim a gender that aligns with traditional notions of male or female, or they may identify as non-binary, genderqueer, or another identity that resonates with their personal experience and education.


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Jun 26, 2024 22:58 by Rin Garnett

Bless, the dragons must have been so confused encountering others. "You mean you can't just... change? You're stuck that way?" Very sweet of them to accommodate other species as they have.

Jun 27, 2024 00:01 by Dragon

They had vague inklings that other species might not be able to shapeshift, both from the documents of the Kaose that were left behind when the Dragons moved into The Station and from their own original world that they were chased away from...but they hadn't really had to think about it until more species moved into the Station and they were the ones in charge all of a sudden. XD; At their core they want everyone to be happy and enjoy tea. XD;

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