
My Nailie is the cutest one around.
— A proud owner
The Nailies is a somewhat common pet on The Station. It’s a bred hybrid between Qilies and Napanalini. The Napanalini were also native to the planet of Areu but were extinct when the Dragons arrived but there were dna samples on The Station.   This species came into being around year 598 AR when a couple of scientists tried to breed a Napanalini and a Qilie. At first the children of this pairing could not produce viable offspring, but after a bit of gene tinker the scientists managed to breed this new species.   The Nailie enjoys traveling around by riding on their owners shoulders.  


The Nailie are on average around 29 cm at the withers. They have long legs and a triangular head with large ears and almond shaped eyes. They have a long prehensile tail and their fur is short and very soft. Their fur comes in a large variety of colors and so does their eye colors. Their front paws have long thick claws that they can extract to grab at things.  


They do not have a natural habitat. Their ancestors the Quilie lived in caves and the ?? lived in trees on the planet of Areu.  

Dietary needs

The Nailie are omnivores like both their parent species. As they have no natural dialery preferences themselves it is believed that they should be fed what their parent species ate. The Quilie primarily eat small mammals and birds. The ?? ate beans, fruit and small mammals as well.  


Being viviparous the Nailie give birth to live young. When the females go into heat they can be fertilized by a male Nailie and become pregnant. They usually give birth to around 4-9 kits. The female goes into heats around once every two months and stay in heat for about 2 weeks.  

In media

The Nailies are very popular in media and while pets aren’t as common on The Station this is one of the more common ones.


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