Hey, I'm gonna drop by Cici's. Do you want to come with or do you want me to pick something up for you?
— A family member to another
Purchasing Centers Incorporated ("PCI" or "Cici " among the populace) is a large retailer chain on The Station. It's one of the largest chains and can be found in every section. They have both small corner stores and large supermarkets.  


Cici is the mascot of PCI and one of the reasons for the chain's popularity. PCI is a collection of smaller grocery stores that decided to create one large company together. When they merged in 2901AR, 126 years ago, they decided that they wanted a mascot and held a competition for their customers where they could design the mascot, and the winner would receive a check of 1 million credits to use at any of the stores in the chain. [redacted] won with their design of Cici. She has had some redesigns over the years but has stayed true to how she looked initially.  


There 3 different types of store profiles.
  • PCI, these are the corner stores that can be found in residential areas. They sell items for daily retail needs. They are usually a little bit cheaper than what can be found in Vending machines.
  • Super PCI, these are supermarkets. They can be found in smaller commercial areas within residential areas and sell a wide range of products. Usually tailored to what is popular in that area.
  • Hyper PCI, these are larger supermarkets that can be found on the outskirts of primarily large commercial areas. These stores stock not only groceries but also fashion, homeware, entertainment, and electronics.

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