
Okay, but are you sure that you don't need anymore help?
— An over eager manager
When the Dragons found this abandoned station they were refugees. They had been chased out of their own planet and now found a second chance at a home.   That is why, in the beginning, when they started accepting other species to live on The Station, they mostly only accepted other refugees. As the years passed, species who weren’t refugees were also allowed to make The Station their home. Now, a couple of thousands of years later, space has started to become sparse.   Now, when refugees need The Station, they are sent to the Red section because this section has the lowest population overall.   All refugees who move to The Station are given a manager whose job it is to make sure that all their charges have what they need: the ability to learn the language of The Station, to learn about customs, to practice their own customs, and to have work training to start working as soon as possible. The manager also fixes other things that the refugees may need.  

The levels

Like the other sections of The Station, the first level contains parks and recreational areas. There are a couple of spas, libraries, and schools.   The second level contains plumbing and other needed technical things. The third level is mostly residential and commercial areas but this section also has an area for the migration facility. This is a subsidiary of the HQ in the Monochrome section. But refugees aren’t expected to travel to the Monochrome section and instead should get all the help they need from this facility.   The transportation level is the fourth one. This level has train stations for travel within the section as well as for travel between the sections. This level has food stalls and a couple of residential areas. The other levels of this section contain more residential areas, commercial areas, and technical areas.  

The population

Like mentioned earlier, most of the population on The Station are refugees or their descendants. But this section mostly deal with people who currently are refugees and need somewhere to stay. Either permanently or temporarily.   Around 11% of the population of this section are Dragons. All others are from smaller groups of people from other planets.


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Jul 11, 2024 11:41 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love that they do as much as they can to help the refugees settle in. Hopefully they won't run out of space any time soon.

Jul 11, 2024 19:56 by Dragon

They do what they can. :) ....they do have some more room. But for some reasons people don't dare going there. XD;;;

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