Salty Unicorn Soup

Oh! This is one of my favorite dishes!
— An inhabitant of The Station
Salty unicorn soup is commonly bought in cans from vending machines or warm and fresh at food stalls. It is made mostly of vegetables and small pieces of bacon.   One of the neat aspects of salty unicorn soup is the communal tradition that it fosters. Whether enjoyed from a bustling food stall or a humble vending machine corner, sharing a bowl of this soup with close friends or family is an adventure in itself. The vending machine soup from the warm can will usually be poured into small paper bowls, also available from the machine. Regarding food stalls, some will pour the soup from a large bowl into smaller bowls in front of the customers, or they will give out the bowls without the customers seeing the pouring.   The anticipation builds as each person eagerly waits to see who will be the lucky recipient of the prized bacon pieces. It's a game of chance that adds an element of fun and excitement to the dining experience. Those who scoop up a succulent piece of bacon are declared the winners, much to their companions' envy and playful banter.  

The patent

The soup recipe is patented to the Unicorn Meat company, which means that very few people know the exact recipe. Many have tried to replicate the popular recipe, but nobody has managed. Some say that every dish from that company is enchanted.   The cans from the vending machines come directly from the company, while the food stalls have to have an agreement with the company. The food stalls will then get soup stock and bacon from the company, and they are expected to add certain vegetables to it when preparing the soup.  

The recipe

The recipe isn't known, but most of the ingredients are:   Statato: It adds depth and richness with it's savory sweet flavor.
Beetflower: Pureed this vegetable adds a magenta color to the soup.
Celnel: Adds most of the salty and cooling sensation to the flavor of soup.
Lechoi: Adds a subtle crunch and a salty savory flavor.
Lemmel: Adds a bit of a salty sour flavor and a smell to the soup.


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Jun 10, 2024 18:57 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This makes me really want some soup.

Jun 11, 2024 04:54 by Dragon

Soup is good! :3

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