The End of the World

Very few, know about the existence of this book…
— A Librarians of the Central library
Deep in The Central Library on The Station sits a very old book. It lays in a small empty room on a pedestal. It is opened to a specific page.   Even if somebody steps into the room, flip the pages and steps out of the room. That specific page will be the one that the book is open on when they return to the room. The camera aimed at the book will show no movement in the room or from the book.  


The Dragons don’t know the origins of the book. It has laid there since before they arrived and it will lie there until after they have disappeared. They have tried to move it but it will always return.   Other old books and media form before the dragons settled into The Station do refer to the book and what is written in it. But none of them have any information about the grimoire. There is also very little information about the people who supposedly wrote the book.  

The book

The book is full of small spells, what is supposedly prophecies and other information. There is a couple of pages torn out of the book as well. When looking at the index, one of the pages that are missing is named "Call forth the inevitable God."   The two pages that the book stays open on is a prophecy by a person named Rymeren. The title of the prophecy is “At The End of the World.”   On the first page it says:   When people’s eyes turn towards the sky Another split will thoroughly hit Building the sublime will purport the fall For the hubris of man won’t halt the end   On the second page it says:   All things end.   Below this text somebody has vandalized the book by writing "So live in the now." Other people have tried to vandalize the book as well but that is the only thing that has stuck.


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