Trick's Fun House

Oh, I love that place. I visit it often. I hope it keeps open for a long time. I want to take my future children there when they are old enough to go.
— A regular visitor
This building was only supposed to be up during an event for a large game and movie franchise but it was so popular that the organizer had to let it stay open. A couple of visitors rioted when the organizer wanted to clos it down.   Now the game and movie franchise has fallen into obscurity, but the building is still up and running. It's even earning pretty well for what it is.  


The building is located on The Station on the outskirts of District 00-03-A15 close to Dewdrop Hotel and Laerietteo, two decently priced hotels for the area. Many who stumble across the building does it without prior knowledge of the franchise that birthed the building.  

The House

Inside, the Fun House is a labyrinth of mirrors, optical illusions, and interactive exhibits. Each room is a carefully crafted homage, from the eerie haunted forest to the futuristic space station, designed to immerse visitors in the franchise's fantastical and large universe.   The heart of Trick’s Fun House, however, is its community. Despite the franchise’s decline, a dedicated group of enthusiasts and former fans regularly visit, keeping the spirit of the game and movie alive. They gather for themed events, cosplay competitions, and storytelling sessions, rekindling the magic for both newcomers and old-timers.  


Over the years, the Fun House has evolved, adapting to changing tastes while maintaining its core identity. New attractions have been added, some inspired by more contemporary franchises, but always with a nod to the original.   While most who now visit the Fun House doesn’t know about the origin of it, they still leave with a smile on their face.


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