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Tagging competition

Discovery, Scientific

GS 45/3/10 > 45/3/16

The 6 colonists Yome, Toby, Jay, Larry, Dimar, and Meda put their drones to use to TAG as many wild creatures as they can within a 20km radius in 6 days.


The Offroad drones are making full use of their camo livery to stay hidden in vegetation and wait. They stay off to avoid making noise.


The flying drones spy on wildlife from safe altitude.


All drones gather footage of Sairasauras and smaller wildlife and Sheldoraptors sneaking around. New species are spotted.


Flora is also studied with samples.


The colonists guide drones to take bio samples of Sairasaura and Aralodon using small UGV drones to sneakily "pinch" the animals with syringes after they're stung with tranquilizer darts.


So far Dimar is leading the competition with 3 discovered animal species, of which one documented, and several plant species as bonus. The others are catching up though.


Yome and Toby visit FARM1 aboard the LAV - LIGHT ARMORED VEHICLE, wearing their standard field suit with full head gear.


Drones have arranged furniture inside the Tag Farm Stable1 to be a zoological LABORATORY.


Yome films her exciting first time in the lab with the helmet's artificial eyes.


Yome and Toby with the help of Production drones install CBR SEALS and an AIRLOCK to the interioriors of the two Tag Stables.

The six colonists talk about the tagging competition at the dinner table.

Related Location
Anvil Valley
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