An-zen's tears Material in Skywell | World Anvil


An-zen's tears

I'll go and check why the village hasn't delivered any of them lately.
  These tear shaped crystals were mined and refined on the 1st level island of Noble. When refined they are generally used for removing any kind of curse and soothing people with palliative conditions.  
by Midjourney
by Midjourney
They have no taste
No scent, but some say that they feel a wiff of flowers
Some say that they glitter in the color of the rainbow


These crystals started appearing on the world market around 30 years ago and the demand for them only incresed. They are mined from a cave close to a small village on the hostile island of Noble. This village keep the location of the cave close to their heart and no outsider has supposedly managed to find the cave yet.   The origin of the name is unknown however the meaning of the name is obvious. An-zen is the core-deity of, among other things, conditions and old age.  


The crystals disapperead from the world market around 6 years ago and very few people know why. Now people will have to break curses the hard way.


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