Humans Species in Skywell | World Anvil



Humans are weird.
  Humans are sapient creatures that walk upright on two legs. Some of the human types have long pointed ears, tails, fangs or claws while others are furless and have rounded ears.  


They all have two legs, two arms, a neck connected to a torso and a head. They all also have feet and hands connected to the legs and arms. Most of them are furless and other have fur. Most of them have rounded or long pointed ears on the side of their heads while others have their ears on top of the head.   Those who have fur or scales usually also have tails. This tail can be fully prehensile or not.  


The humans are all viviparous and thus give birth to fully developed offspring. Different types of humans are pregrant for different lengths but the average time comes to around 8 and half months.  


Humans are spread across almost the entire world of Skywell. They inhabit around 98% of all floating islands and no mortal humans can inhabit the center of the world. The most populated islands are the ones in the middle layers of the world. The islands further out are too cold and the islands closest to the center are dangerous because of chaotic magic.  

Biological variation

There is a huge biological variation within this species across this world. However, the Dragons have the most biological variation. The Humans have great variation in skin and fur color, as well as eye colors and hair color. However all of them have round pupils and white scleras. If they do not have the conditions called Symbol eyes, Crystal eyes or Dark eyes.  


The different biological variations between the human types aren’t only visual. For example the humans native to the island of Bittra have a lot worse eyesight than those of Noble do. The humans sensory systems are usually slightly worse than other animals though.  

Dietary needs

Humans are omnivores, however some cultures among the human types have different kinds dietary restrictions. The most commmon restriction are some kinds of meats.


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