Ine - Illiya the Loveless Character in The Garden that Burned | World Anvil

Ine - Illiya the Loveless


Brief Overview

Ine is fairly unknown, which is good given the nature of her work. She serves as a faithful soldier of the The Unnamed God and a devout believer of the religion Enigmatism. Those who do know her can only remember her when she enters their line of sight, however, when she leaves she disappears from their mind as if she'd never been there in the first place.  

General Overview

Ine is a lovable psychopath who takes pride in her sadomasochism-based disposition. Her take on pain allows her to not only endure it, but enjoy it. As a soldier, the ability to cope with pain as enjoyment allows her to excel in combat as she's not only a talented Runemancer, but she's also a capable martial artist who has no idea where she learned them.
Unbeknownst to her she's also an eretican vampire and a master tracker.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Her Youth
As a child Ine was a frail, sick little creature who went by the name of Misaki. Originally, all Balane are born with blue eyes, but due to the dark forms of Runemancy young Misaki was forced to use to survive, they stained crimson red. Misaki was found by a woman who was afflicted with Vampirism and raised as her child. The woman's name was Illiya, and she was the most powerful vampire alive.
Illiya raised Misaki in a normal village in hopes she could live a good life, however, Misaki had made the wrong friend. As the days passed and Misaki's illness began to advance in severity her best friend, Elijah prayed to all gods who could hear him. Unfortunately, none were listening. Her health continued to decline, so at the age of 14 he decided to join the army of The Empire of Menra to earn some gold to buy the medicine she needed. He hated Illiya for her neglect of Misaki's illness, but he'd never openly state that to Misaki... He was gone for 2 years, but when he returned Misaki was... Different.

A New Beginning
After her best friend left to join the empire Misaki's health diminished quickly, causing Illiya to do what she'd planned this entire time. Illiya allowed Misaki as much of a mortals life as she possibly could before her survival was at risk of the illnesses victory... Before she had to end the girls life in order to save it.
Misaki laid to rest one night and awoke in a field covered in blood next to Illiya. She learned that her heart stopped in the night, so Illiya turned her into a vampire like her. Misaki was shocked by this, but she was grateful to have more time on Eden with Illiya. They spent the next three years training her to fight and feed as needed when finally Elijah returned home.
He knew immediately that something seemed off, but she always avoided the topic. It wasn't until he decided to follow her home in the night that he discovered what Illiya had done... The next day he told Misaki that he loved her and that he'd discovered her secret, but he didn't care what she was. As long as she was here. She was elated to hear this and they spent weeks bonding and getting closer to one another. It was around this time that Misaki had begun to Worship Amare along with Illiya.

Her Loss
One day early in the morning Elijah banged on the door explaining that his little brother was sick and he needed to save him just like Illiya had saved Misaki. After hearing the age of the child, Illiya collected her things and prepared to lend aid. They followed Elijah to a small cabin just outside of Myscoin, but when they entered the enclosed space they were overwhelmed by the townsfolk. They dragged Misaki into a corner and made her watch as they decapitated Illiya and tossed her head into a small box covered in runes, laughing all the while. Misaki receded into her own mind, completely at a loss of words. Illiya had been a vampire, but she only fed on criminals and bandits who attacked travelers. Despite her power, she never killed her prey. Misaki had respected her ideals of love and life, but look at where that got Illiya... As she thought these things a voice began to speak in her head.
"Welcome me..." It beckoned. She thought about the voice and potential repercussions before nodding quietly so as not to alert her captors.
It turned out that the Forsaken who had inhabited Illiya had once been a Divine Servant to Ira. As it entered Misaki and massive burst of power surged through her, gifting her with a vengeful wrath. She stood and tore across the room, wrapping her arm around his throat from behind to snap his neck while using his dropping weight to spin kick the man directly adjacent. The others looked to her in shock as she tore into the next mans throat, refreshing her vampiric powers. Her hands opened and several tendrils emerged from her palm and grasped many of the townsfolk. They screamed and cried out in terror as she squeezed the life from them while edging toward the door. As the life left her victims, only three men remained. She grinned and cast two separate runes on the men that were now running at her full speed. She pulled out a blade and cut the tendrils from her palms as sacrifices to power the runes. Black blood sprayed out toward her assailants, obscuring her from sight as she engaged the rune and watched as bit by the the bones inside each men began to fracture and break. Elijah screamed out in terror and leaped out a nearby window.
He fled 2 miles before Misaki caught up to him and leaped on him from behind. She knocked him to the ground and listened in silence as he screamed and begged for his life.
"She did this, not me! I only wanted to save you and now you're a monster liker her! Please, please don't kill me, Misaki!" He pleaded. She shook her head slowly and sighed.
"It's no longer Misaki, Elijah. You will now refer to me as Illiya, and you will shut your mouth and listen as I address you this one last time before I make your life hell." She hissed, causing him to tense his body and fall silent.
"You took what I loved most away from me, so now I need you to understand that I will take the same from you. I will take your family, I will take your friends, I will take the humanity you covet so dearly, and then, and only then will I come to take your life... Only when you have nothing, just like me." She stated through her teeth. And with that she disappeared into the night, leaving him in his own paranoia.
Through the years Illiya was true to her word and fulfilled each threat she'd given Elijah. It wasn't until the eve on his 82nd birthday that she arrived and killed him without saying a single word. The goddess Amare approached her as she left and told her that she would no longer recognize Illiya as a follower of her faith. Illiya laughed and replied: "Good. Your faith had forsaken me long ago. Love gave me nothing, and so nothing is what I give to you." This offended the goddess, but Illiya carried on without a fret.

Her Despair
Centuries later, after reclaiming the title of the strongest vampire unalive, Illiya had a child that resulted from a drunken romp. Unlike most people who have a kid this way, Illiya was elated. For the first time in her life she understood the true love between a mother and child. The same love that the real Illiya bore for her. For the first few years life for Illiya had changed entirely. She was focused on providing a good life for her child. The same life her mother gave to her. Unfortunately, Amare heard of this and stole her child out of spite. The goddess decided that Illiya no longer deserved love, and that she would hide the child on Eden, far out of the reach of a Shambalan native.
Illiya was distraught. She searched for years in desperation for her lost little love, but once she realized she was never going to find him she decided to give up on life. She laid down beside his crib and slowly began to desiccate. Several years passed before a man sat down beside her and whispered in her ear. He told her he could take away her pain. That he could make her forget that it ever hurt, and all it would take was becoming his Saint. She pondered this for days, but ultimately she decided that anything would be better than this hollow despair. In moments she was standing up and stretching out her desiccated muscles with a smile painted across her face. Her childhood, her sickness, the loss of Illiya and her child, and the betrayal of her first love were such deeps pains weighing her down, but now they were all behind her. It wasn't that she'd conquered her pain or overcome her past... She had simply forgotten it.


Ine has no idea who she is or what she's doing half the time, but when she's assigned a mission she will push through the high hells to accomplish it.
Her past education included ancient and modern languages, basic astronomy, and advanced herbalism, although she currently has no way of accessing that information.


Ine will never share a secret.

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

Ine is a "carver," meaning when she uses runemancy to mark enemies with her runes she's actually carving them into their flesh. This makes them twice as hard to remove without the right magic.

She has crimson, almond shaped eyes.
Her hair is white and cut to shoulder length for combat.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white, clear.
Quotes & Catchphrases
My name? Who know's? Just call me Ine ;P
The irony of the above statement is that the title the Unnamed god gave her, Ubeinenota, means "unknown" in Belani.
Haha, wow! He just went and exploded, huh? I must've set a weird trigger condition on that rune and forgot about it!"
The Unnamed God
Aligned Organization
The Unnamed God
Character | Dec 20, 2023
The Empire of Menra
Settlement | Sep 14, 2023
Condition | Mar 28, 2024
Character | Sep 14, 2023
Settlement | Sep 14, 2023
Species | Dec 27, 2023
Divine Servant
Species | Dec 23, 2023
Character | Jan 26, 2024

Cover image: by ThankYouFantasyPictures
Character Portrait image: by ThankYouFantasyPictures


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Sep 15, 2023 09:01 by Selene Cutajar

Beautifully made :)

Sep 18, 2023 08:07 by Katarina D.M. Ewert

Thank you kindly :D

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