Archon Rank/Title in The Chronicles of Evalaw | World Anvil


Archons or Archonised entities, are Dral'azie that have been anointed by the gods and risen to a status of reverence and divinity according to the teachings of the temple of the seven signs. Archons vary in the Pantheon dependant on importance within Dral'azie society, each Ithen'drel reveres a certain Archon over the others. This comes from a number of these revered Archons being founded of an Ithendrel itself, or the progenitor of a noble bloodline. Each city places their own Archon above the others because of this common ancestral link.   To become an Archon is by no means a simple feat, the religious and secular importance of an individual is but one aspect. Usually these individuals are figures whom served the needs of their people and that of the gods before themselves and brought about change. Whether this was through feats of bravery and heroism or an act of great suffering and temperance, there is no set path to becoming indoctrinated as one. Only that when the gods deem it so, the Exalt of Dral'grondii declares it. Similar in some respects to the Savants of their Aelfaune - Elves. cousins, whom send an oracle to seek out a prophetic child and declare them so. An Archon is usually declared after their life has come to an end and they are judged before Aulreth herself.   Over the centuries many cults devoted to the Archons have risen up as within the temple, each dedicated to the reverence and ideals a particular Archon represented in their lifetime. Many of the deeds and achievements of these individuals has been embellished and exaggerated by the cults. Bestowing them almost supernatural abilities to perform miraculous feats, exonerating them far beyond the capabilities of any living soul.  

The Archons of the Seven Signs;

  • Archon Abraxus;
  • Archon Myistra Arcaine of the Dark Moon; Myistra Vess'Orndii'Arcaine, first Templar of Aulreth, otherwise known as Myistra of the Darkmoon. She was the daughter of Zeilieth and with her the founder of the Arcaine bloodline. Myistra was born into the dark days of the sundering, and as such, raised to be a warrior. Fighting the forces of the sunburst sepulchre. She was there when the Telos broke through the defences of Arl'lanithor and stood by her side when she confronted the Oracle on the steps of the sunburst sepulchre itself in the final days of the Sundering.
  • Archon Malithrin Kaal'rinthra; The Poet and songstress, Malithrin Kaal'rinthra is responsible for creating the Kaal'rinthra, her greatest work. A series of poems and fantastical stories that tell of the events of the sundering and the events of the Ruhaalu. It is one of the greatest works, if somewhat exaggerated.
  • Archon Ossuaire Hilarcheon;
  • Archon Nefraijat Iseueri, the Black Queen; Nefraijat the entity most responsible for the beginnings of the Third Elven War. The Mother of Necromancy and progenitor of the Itholren Bloodlines (Often referred as Blood of Nefraijat). Hers is a name that is spoken in both fear and reverence, from the lips of the faithful to those whom still tell the tale of the Black Queen of Veilnakarii and supreme ruler of the Isettii Desert and Kingdom of Veilnakara.
  • Archon Nemiisae;
  • The Blood maiden Ossuaire; she whom brought the hateful desire and the faithful of Charnel with her into the underworld. Ossuaire and her blood crazed cultists found their calling on the battlefields of Lorthwyn, embracing the god of murder and offering fresh tributes to the carrion throne. She was revealed as his high executioner and the first Vestal of the god of murder.
  • Archon Zelieth Itholren;
  • Archon Zalneth Itholren;
  • Archon Telos Urithair I - The hammer of the sun; Telos Urithair is perhaps the most infamous of all Dral’azie for her role in the sundering. As such, the temple canonised her long after Telos’ demise, however her legacy and actions live on all around the Draal, earning her the moniker as “Hammer of the sun”.
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