Gilau'ien Serb'renn

Templar Sorceress

A sorceress, adapt in experimenting with potions alchemy, spells and generally anything unknown to her. Usually resulting with terrible consequences. Proficient in blood and infernal magic, she also possesses an aptitude in countermanding and dispelling magic wards, spells and curse.   Born into house Serb'renn of Dragh'zeruel, Gilau'ien always had a morbid curiosity into things that one should not dabble, a knack that would eventually result in her tearing a hole in reality and summoning an Arch-Demon in her attempts to deciphers forbidden tomes and grimoires acquired through illicit means. A mistake that cost her a piece of her soul, decimated her house, ravaged parts of the lower districts and summoned Templars in force to subdue the abominations she had conjured. Despite this traumatic setback, it never once diminished her appetite, only peaking her curiosity. The scars on her face are an reminder of this folly, left by the Arch-Demon that she summoned.   She was banished from her house by her sister, sent to Zhennu'janai to be taught by the Belvorian mages how to harness her gifts. However, due to her inability to not listen to instruction she was expelled from this, and a number of smaller petty magic guilds until she found herself incinerated into the priestess order of Dral'grondi, to become a sorceress for the Temple of the seven signs. Her inability to stop her experiments within the priesthood, unsurprisingly resulted in her being expelled from the order and disgraced. It was after a particularly nasty incident when she attempted to summon a construct into the physical plane, unfortunate the result caused a number of her fellow temple acolytes to become fused together, merging into a flesh abomination the Templar’s had to deal with.   Her wayward abilities however managed to win her a place in the ranks of the Templar's despite her actions. They are always had need of temple trained sorcerers having a distinct lack of them within their own ranksr. She has used this as an excuse to continue her research as a guise of how to understand the "Heretical magic's". As a mark of her rebellious streak she still wears the priestess robes over her Templar armour and uniform, that have now been heavily altered.
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Character Portrait image: by Pipkip


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