Feast of Strangers

The Sundorwick Tribe is known to host The Feast of Strangers upon the full moon of any given summer night. They prepare a vast meal and invite one and all to eat, drink, and enjoy merry music. The catch? No talking. The strangers gather, mingle, and mix, but no idle conversation is allowed. Only a minimal amount of necessary words can be said, asking of important questions, announcing the next activity, etc., but no exchange of names, hometowns, occupations, or the like. Essentially, beings from all over who are aware of the Feast can come to dine. At the end of the ceremony, a large circle dance is performed. Then, everyone runs far away from the feasting ground to slumber, allowing the forest wildlife to partake of the leftovers.


On the first official night of the Sundorwick's settlement, the weary travelers scraped up the last of their rations, along with many berries and herbs from the forest around them, and composed a great feast for one and all. Since they'd traveled for such a long way, they were too famished to speak, so they devoured their food without a word. Afterwards, they danced in joy and thankfulness to The Shining Lord for bringing them into the new land, before running off into the forest to explore. Unfortunately, due to fatigue from their long journey, and their lack of knowledge pertaining to the Slumaberry  and other fruit of the forest's effects when eaten in large quantities, they fell asleep immediately.   And, thus, the tradition began.

Components and tools

Each of the forest people and families prepares a dish for the Feast of Strangers and meet in the clearing when the full moon is high. They sit the foodstuffs among the tree stumps and fallen logs. Seated in the grass, everyone is allowed to freely sample each element of the smorgasbord.


The entire Sundorwick Tribe usually takes part, but many neighboring villagers and vagabonds passing through often smell the delicious food and draw near to enjoy the ceremony. All are welcomed, so long as they are peaceable and follow the traditional rules.
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