
Quade is a performer on the Trendil Wagon. He, along with his travelling companion Kora the Great love to put on a show for everyone in the various towns and villages they visit.
  Quade loves to rhyme and he does so with ease. Many people are amused by his antics, but some people are annoyed. He pickpockets people sometimes and is a very tricky man. He likes to be mischievous and play games.   Quade is an Elven Dwarf from the Gardinbeauf Mountains but he likes to travel all over Wynsumheord.   He is often seen wearing a green outfit that is "not too old and not too new", complete with a green cap with a red feather tucked into it. He enjoys performing at taverns, singing songs, telling stories, putting on a show, and tricking people.   Though quite mischeivous, Quade often believes he is doing what is right. He does not like to play tricks on the misfortunate or downtrodden. He loves to cheer up children and those who have experienced loss. He never tells how old he is, but he often says "I'm not too young and not too old but somewhere in between". His eyes tell a story of long travels, weary days, and wisdom beyond years.   Quade is almost never seen without his mischievous smirk. He dances about with a smile and a rhyme almost everywhere he goes. If he looks upset, worried, or angry, then something must be terribly wrong. Though he often feels emotions, he does not like to let them show. He always seems to be putting on a performance for anyone who may be looking.  
"not too young and not too old"
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Owned Vehicles


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Aug 3, 2024 18:12 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

I thought I made his article before now but it was only a stub. I already had his Hero Forge model and everything. Glad I was able to reset the date and submit it for this perfect prompt. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to clean up the article but at least it's submitted.

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