horhas lies in the expansive wastes and turbulent badlands of eastern Wynandir in Wildemount. The northern lands of Xhorhas are ruled by the Kryn Dynasty, which is centered around the ruins of Ghor Dranas (now known as Rosohna), a former city of the Betrayer Gods during the Age of Arcanum.[1] The Dynasty is ruled by the Empress Leylas Kryn.[2] The southern portions of Xhorhas consist mostly of awful marshes.[3] Xhorhas is smaller than the Dwendalian Empire and has few natural resources. It is a scarred landscape overrun with beasts and terrors left over from the Calamity.[4] The Xhorhasians are derogatorily referred to by the Dwendalians as "cricks" (short for "crickets"). This is due to the holes that are cut into Xhorhasian armor, causing the armor to produce a chirping sound as the troops charge forward.