Blood Crawler

It's in my house. I can hear it creeping down the stairs. Rattling chains after every step. The quiet drip of blood. I can smell the blood. He's looking. Looking for me. He's saying my name. I can't breathe, it's too difficult. I don't want to breathe, he could hear.
I think he heard me. I heard a stair creak. Oh no. I can hear his claws rip through the walls as he drags them, digging through the brick.   I can't move.   Help.  

Say hi to another horrific creature we do not have at the Zoo for good reason. Blood crawlers are very real and very scary. They come from the Horror Dimension, but despite there being many animals from this dimension at the A to Zoo, blood crawlers cannot be contained here. There's a saying on planet Greenerth where these monsters are rarely seen - "kill a man, and you'll die too". The phrase simply means do not be mean to others, otherwise you'll get what's coming for you.

The phrase originates from blood crawlers, as these inanimals can smell when a someone is killed by another person. Blood crawlers will go after the murderer, not stopping until they have been ripped to shreds with their foot long claws.


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Oct 22, 2023 21:17 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Yikes! D: I wonder if they will ever be able to contain them at the Zoo.

Oct 27, 2023 16:45 by Mochi

I would like to know too, but if they do manage to contain them I'd probably never ever visit xD

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