Gelletti's Penguin

The Gelletti's Penguin is a small penguin species native to planet Osao. They are very closely related to Earth's Gentoo, Adélie, and Chinstrap penguins!   Meet our colony of sixteen penguins in the Coastal Birds Sector 6. Bring along some food, purchased at any of our animal feed stands!
Gelletti's Penguins by Mochi

Quick Facts

COMMON NAME: Gelletti's Penguin   SCIENTIFIC NAME: Pygoscelis gellettii   DIET: Cephalopods   HABITAT: Warm coastal environments   CONSERVATION STATUS: Least Concern   FUN FACT: Female penguins choose a mate who can find her the biggest pebble!


Gelletti's Penguins are easy to identify thanks to their bright black and white plumage. They have bright yellow bellies and a stripe around their back and wings.


Gelletti's Penguins have a diet mostly comprised of squids. Their native region, the Ink Kingdom, is full of various squids and relatives.


Gelletti's Penguins live in the coastal Ink Kingdom. They frequent large rock pools, where they poke their beaks into cracks and crevices in the rock to get at food. They are slow on land, but can reach swimming speeds of 36kmph, or 22mph.


Gelletti's Penguins are very vocal animals. Our penguins love to splash about in the water with each other, and chase each other around.

Gelletti's Penguin Closeup by Mochi

Building a new Penguin Arena

The Zoo is raising money to build a brand new Penguin Arena!

The Penguin Arena will feature three different biomes: a coastal section, river section, and an ocean section. Watch as our penguins hunt for their food and make bets on which penguin can catch the most!

All we need is £2 million! Will you help us?

We have raised 78% of our goal!

Adopt a Penguin!

Gentoo Adoption

£40 a year

  This tier supports our penguins by helping pay for food.

Rockhopper Adoption

£80 a year

  This tier supports our penguins by helping pay for enrichment.

Emperor Adoption

£150 a year

  This tier lets adopters visit once a month and hand-feed our penguins.

Support IRL Penguins!

My good friend Sh4d0wPh03n1x is raising money to support African Penguins. These penguins need a lot of help right now. Fisheries are competing, and winning, against African Penguins, and these animals are suffering because of it.

Every little bit helps! For just under 20 bucks, SANCCOB can hatch and raise a chick so it can be released back into the wild!

Join me in supporting SANCCOB, a charity dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating injured seabirds, and specifically penguins! Your donation will help provide crucial care and support for these beautiful creatures in need.
Click Me To Find Out More!


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Jun 19, 2024 13:18

Aaaaa Thank you so so so so so much for the Fundraiser Shout Out! <3 <3 <3   Lemme throw some money towards the Penguin Arena because it is totally required! <3

Jun 19, 2024 13:21 by Mochi

You're more than welcome! <3

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Summer Camp 2024 Reading Challenge!
Jun 20, 2024 02:03

Wonderful article and cause. <3 By the way, the new layout is fantastic!

Jun 20, 2024 10:22 by Mochi

Thank you so much! <3

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Summer Camp 2024 Reading Challenge!
Jun 20, 2024 22:39 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love them and their bright yellow bellies! <3

Jun 20, 2024 22:40 by Mochi

Thank youu! <3

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Summer Camp 2024 Reading Challenge!
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