Siravassiryn was an immense, highly advanced drow city in the far eastern reaches of The Underdark. Before its untimely demise, it was the sister city of Vethlanoril.
The city was founded by a splinter group of Vethlanorilans who disagreed with edicts enacted and enforced within the city to ban the use of spells originally learned from Lolth. Their chief dissent was that the spells themselves were not evil and would not corrupt so long as they were not used for the expressly evil purposes that Lolth had intended. In the end, they felt the edicts were stifling arcane discovery, and decided to take their practices outside the city.
Over time, more and more would join them in what quickly became a burgeoning satellite village. Uultimately, the two cities began to grow independently of one another. They maintained a congenial peace and frequently competed against one another in all variety of competition.
Mutual Collapse
Not one to let bygones be bygones, Lolth was unspeakably furious to learn of the rise of Siravassiryn (and its neighbor Vethlanoril) during her infamous Silence. Recognizing the power these two peaceful cities had amassed (and perhaps at the time considering it beyond her ability to directly intervene), Lolth decided to pit them against one another.
Having been given the Shard of Pandemonium as gift from Graz'zt, it took little more than placing it in a cavern equidistant from either city. She then enlisted spies to spread rumors about a powerful artifact before it was ultimately found by Mournas Oussana of Siravassiryn.
The Shard itself is imbued with uncontrollable Wild Magic and the unmistakeable evil that permeates The Abyss from which it was formed. It corrupts all who wield it, but not before grantimg them incredible, destructive and chaotic abilities. Plunged deftly into the heart of a city of gifted arcanists, it was only a matter of time before the city began to eat itself from within.
Vethlanoril's attempts to intervene were met with unmitigated animosity by a city already reeling from internal conflict, and the only thing that proved capable of uniting the Siravassiryne was a crusade against their once sister city. It is unknown how frequently the Shard changed hands once the conflict began, but the arcane warfare that followed its influence was enough to destroy both cities entirely.
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