Albino Dwarf Ethnicity in The Full Guide to Faerûn | World Anvil

Albino Dwarf

Also known as the Wild Dwarves, the albino dwarves of Chult were driven from their subterranean homes by volcanic activity, and those who didn’t seek refuge in Port Nyanzaru adapted to living in the jungle. They make armor out of dinosaur hide; shape weapons out of dinosaur bones, flint, and wood; and craft ornate jewelry out of bones, feathers, tusks, and stone beads. Albino dwarves haven’t forgotten how to forge metal, but they seldom have the means to do so.   More dour and sullen than typical dwarves, albino dwarves often live in vast mines. Isolated from the outside world, they use small dinosaurs as pack animals. The Albino dwarves focus their culture on wealth and skill in crafting items with gems and precious metals. They fight fiercely to protect their homes and their stockpiles of gems and ores from outsiders.   Many albino dwarves have a deep connection to the natural world and feel the need to protect and defend it against unnatural threats. These dwarves do not often revere the gods of their forefathers, but rather ask for the blessings from the nature spirits that inhabit the Chultan peninsula. There are many of such entities all over the peninsula but there are many common patron spirits among the wild dwarves.   Nobanion, King of Beasts. Nobanion is a deity of lions and good beasts. Followers of Nobanion hunt only when hungry and do not gorge without need.   Eldath, Mother Guardian of Groves. Eldath is an enigmatic pacifist who avoids hostile action whenever possible. Her followers tend to protect rivers, streams, and druidic groves.   Magnar the Bear. Magnar has been mostly absorbed by the elven deity Rillifan Rallathi, but an echo of him remains. Many higher-ranking followers of Magnar can speak with bears.   Renmi, Lord of the Giant Eagles. As a benevolent air spirit, Renmi is a close ally of the aarakocra in Chult as well as a friend to the djinn of Zakhara and beyond.   The Earthmother. This spirit of nature is served by a leviathan, a unicorn, and a massive pack of well-coordinated velociraptors. The Earthmother protects nature in all its forms.  
Ability Score Increase.
Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Diamond Smithing.
Albino dwarves can craft diamond-edged weapons that never need to be sharpened and act as silvered weapons for resistances. Crafting such a weapon requires 150 gp worth of diamond dust. 
Nature Spirits.
A benevolent nature spirit has taken notice of you and has bestowed a powerful charm upon you. This grants you innate spellcasting abilities. Your innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom. Choose one:
  • Spirit of the Predator. You can innately cast hunter's mark once per day.
  • Spirit of the Wind. You can innately cast jump once per day.
  • Spirit of the Earth. You can innately cast pass without trace once per day.
  • Spirit of the Beast. You can innately cast speak with animals once per day.
  • Spirit of the Trees. You can innately cast speak with plants once per day. 
Encompassed species
  • 1 Tattered Handaxe
  • 1d2 Warrior's Marks (Scrap of skin with a tattoo on it that can be used to prove the identity of a foe.)


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