Aldani Basin Geographic Location in The Full Guide to Faerûn | World Anvil

Aldani Basin

The Soshenstar and Tath rivers flow out of this marshy upland basin, which is a popular feeding ground for dinosaurs and swarms of biting insects. Tall plateaus and walls of dense foliage enclose the marsh.   The basin is named after the aldani, a race of lobsterfolk. Many Chultans recall childhood fables about the eerie lobsterfolk that lived in the rivers and lakes of their homeland. No reliable witnesses have reported an encounter with aldani in decades, so most Chultans believe the aldani perished. In fact, the lobsterfolk retreated to the secluded lakes of this basin, where they’ve kept hidden for a century.   When the sky is clear, the Heart of Ubtao can be seen floating above the marsh from up to 50 miles distant (roll 1d4 each day to determine how many hexes away it’s visible through the mist and heat haze).
Wetland / Swamp


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