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Calimshan is an ancient and wealthy land in southwestern Faerûn, situated on the coast of the lands of intrigue. It is renowned for its harsh desert landscape, hazardous politics, and extraordinary wealth. M.T. Black has created an outstanding adventurer's guide to this area that can be found here. I recommend purchasing it to support him and his work as well as picking up an amazing product.  

Ten Things to Know

The following section is an excerpt from the Calimshan Adventurer's Guide by M.T. Black. Here are ten quick things everyone needs to know about Calimshan.  

Ancient History

Calimshan is unthinkably ancient—it is the oldest of all human lands still in existence. It has a complex history that spans nine thousand years, and events that happened millennia ago still influence the land today.  

Wealth and Trade

Calimshan has always been a wealthy nation, and its people have always been obsessed with wealth. Trade is the source of their prosperity, with the country lying at the nexus of a global trade network. Calishites (as the people of Calimshan call themselves) are considered by many to be the greatest merchants in the world.  

Many Genies

Various genies, especially djinn and efreet, have dwelt in the land from time immemorial, sometimes ruling over the local population, and sometimes even creating great empires. Genies are less common now than in former times, but you are much more likely to encounter one here than in a place like the Sword Coast. Most Calishites regard genies with fear and distrust.  

Common Magic

If you believe the marketplace chatter on the Sword Coast, every family in Calimshan owns a magic carpet, and every home is kept clean by a magic broom. These tales are wild exaggerations, but it is true that magic, and especially magic items, are more common here than in other lands.  

Great Desert

When people think of Calimshan they usually think of the desert, and with good reason. The Calim Desert comprises more than a quarter of the land, running right up to the gates of the largest cities. Even the most urban Calishites feel a strong affinity with the desert and the stories associated with it.  


Calimport, the City of Glory, is the capital of Calimshan and can reasonably lay claim to be the oldest continuously inhabited human city in the world. For much of history it was also the largest city in Faerûn, though recent troubles have seen it diminished. Still, Calimport remains a glorious place, and the home to many remarkable adventures.  

Urban Cosmopolitan

The people of Calimshan are an urban people, preferring fortified cities and towns over the dangerous countryside. Small villages are far less common here than on the Sword Coast, though they do exist. The cities of Calimshan tend to be very cosmopolitan, attracting people from every part of the world.  

Genie Wars

Over a century ago, two ancient, powerful genies named Calim and Memnon engaged in the Genie Wars, transforming the whole land into a battlefield. The unexplained disappearance of the two antagonists fifty years ago did little to ease the strife, with most of the human population finding themselves in bondage to Genasi Warlords who sought to fill the power vacuum. Trade continued throughout this troubled century, though it was much diminished, and the land was torn apart by violence and chaos.  

Glorious Revolution

Two decades ago, the great prophet Shahrzad taught the human population how to resist the Genasi Warlords. This became known as the Glorious Revolution, and saw the Warlords vanquished, the humans freed, and slavery abolished in the land. There were calls to place Shahrzad on the throne, but the prophet mysteriously disappeared. Instead, a war hero named Javad el Volahrn was named syl-pasha, the title Calishites give their ruler.  

A Gilded Age

Calimshan has flourished in the short period since the Glorious Revolution. Wealth and people are flooding into the land, and the rapid growth of trade recalls the days of old. Many happily describe this as a golden age, but others are more circumspect. The grim legacy of the past remains like a shadow over Calimshan, and dreadful powers seek to undo all that has been accomplished, returning the land to war and chaos.
  • Calim Desert
  • Coram Steppes
  • Forest of Mir
  • Marching Mountains
  • Plains of Renestar
  • Spider Swamp
  • Almraiven
  • Calimport
  • Keltar
  • Manshaka
  • Memnon
  • Schamedar
  • Teshburl
  • Volothamp

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