Dinosaurs Species in The Full Guide to Faerûn | World Anvil


Dinosaurs, or behemoths, are among the oldest reptiles in the world. Predatory dinosaurs are savage, territorial hunters. Herbivorous dinosaurs are less aggressive, but they might attack to defend their young, or if startled or harassed.   Dinosaurs come in many sizes and shapes. Larger varieties often have drab coloration, while smaller dinosaurs have colorful markings akin to birds. Dinosaurs roam rugged and isolated areas that humanoids seldom visit, including remote mountain valleys, inaccessible plateaus, tropical islands, and deep fens.  

Dinosaurs of Faerûn

On Toril, dinosaurs were an ancient reptilian race created by the primordial Ubtao. They could be found across the land of Chult in a myriad of different forms. Chultans referred to these creatures as "thunderers" or "behemoths". Similarly to dragons, predatory dinosaurs have a powerful territorial instinct. Herbivorous dinosaurs were usually less aggressive and often travel in herds.   The primal spirits of Chult occasionally took the form of dinosaurs and walked the world. These dinosaurs have unique abilities that confound the ecologists that encountered them and often made them even more dangerous than their usual cousins.   The Dinosaurs of Chult have been recorded in the following varities, though it is thought there are many more:
  • Allosaurus - A large predatory dinosaur that possesses great strength and speed.
  • Ankylosaurus - A huge, thickly armored herbivorous dinosaur with an enormous knobbed tail.
  • Brontosaurus - A colossal herbivorous dinosaur that was large enough to deter most predators.
  • Deinonychus - A predatory dinosaur similar to velociraptors, but larger.
  • Dimetrodon - A sail-backed predatory dinosaur that fills a similar niche and competed with crocodiles.
  • Hadrosaurus - A semi-quadrupedal herbivore dinosaur with a bony head crest.
  • Mosasaurus - A gigantic marine predatory dinosaur that hunts all creatures in its domain.
  • Plesiosaurus - A large marine dinosaur that is a voracious predator with a very long neck.
  • Pteranodon - A aerial opportunist dinosaur with a wide wingspan and a large beak.
  • Quetzacoatlus - An enormous aerial-predator dinosaur that hunts anything it could soar away with.
  • Spinosaurus - A enormous predatory dinosaur with a crocodile-like jaw that is also adept in the waters.
  • Stegosaurus - A heavy-built herbivorous dinosaur with bony plates on its back and a spiked tail.
  • Triceratops - A hernivorous, yet aggressive, dinosaur with a shield like skull with a set of sharp horns.
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex - A massive and voracious killing machine that is the most dangerous dinosaur on Toril.
  • Velociraptor - A small feathered dinosaur with a knife-like claw that hunts in large packs.


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