Eblis Species in The Full Guide to Faerûn | World Anvil


Eblis are thought to be reincarnations of evil humans who were punished by gods for acts of larceny and kidnapping. These intelligent, evil cranes loom 8 feet tall and lay eggs as mundane birds do. They can manipulate objects with their beaks and feet.   Eblis try to sway other creatures into doing their bidding, and their plots are self-serving. They live to destroy creatures that offend them and delight in luring humanoids to an unexpected death. Eblis also like to collect treasure, which they sometimes use to reward those who serve them. They build crude huts and nests out of grass and reeds, wherein they hide their treasure.   Though they are often solitary or live in small groups, eblis have been known to join together to form small villages. These villages commonly take a eblis spellcaster as their leader and work together to cruel ends.  
  • 1d4 Eblis Feathers (No immediate use. Can be crafted (calligrapher's supplies) into a pen, or carefully crafted (woodcarver's tools) into 2 arrows.)
  • 1 Eblis Beak (Acts as an arcane focus for illusion spells. A wizard can use an action to cast Hypnotic Pattern from the beak. Once this feature is used, it can't be used again until the next dawn.)


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