Giant Snapping Turtle Species in The Full Guide to Faerûn | World Anvil

Giant Snapping Turtle

Giant snapping turtles can grow to be 12 feet in diameter. Although they appear slow and ponderous, they are capable of startling bursts of speed and will aggressively attack smaller creatures that approach them. One snap of a giant turtle’s jaws can cut a human in half, and these creatures aren’t fussy about what they eat.   These creatures are common along the Wild Coast of Chult. In the secluded bays of this region, they are known to sometimes grow to prestigious sizes. The tortles of this area have been known to communicate with these snapping turtles from time to time.    
  • 1 Giant Snapping Turtle Shell (Acts as a shield. Can be carefully crafted (smith's tools) into Splint Armor.)
  • 1 Giant Snapping Turtle Jaw (Acts as a pair of handaxes. Together can be crafted (smith's tools) into a Greataxe.)
  • 1 Turtle Tail (No immediate use. Can be infused with magic into an arcane focus by a Warlock.)
Major Locations.
  • Snapping Turtle Bay
  • Snout of Omgar


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