Jaculi Species in The Full Guide to Faerûn | World Anvil


A jaculi is a 15-foot-long snake that can alter the color and texture of its scales to camouflage itself. Altering its appearance to resemble wood or stone, it coils around pillars and tree trunks from which it launches itself like a javelin, striking with great force and accuracy.   Jaculis are found in damp climates, and their preferred habitats are rainforests and cool dungeons. The shed skin of the jaculi is coveted for use in crafting Boots of Striding and Springing and Cloaks of Invisibility.  
  • Jaculi Hide (No immediate use. Can be crafted (leatherworker's tools) into a pouch or carefully crafted (leatherworker's tools) into a water skin. 3 Jaculi Hides can be mastercrafted (leatherworker's Tools) into Glamoured Studded Leather Armor.)


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