Pterafolk Species in The Full Guide to Faerûn | World Anvil


Pterafolk are 10-foot-tall, winged, reptilian bipeds native to Chult. Malevolent isolationists, they regard most other creatures as their enemies. In Chultan culture, pterafolk are often referred to as “terror folk” for their habit of swooping down from the sky to snatch whatever and whomever they can, then transporting treasure and food back to their roosts.   Pterafolk have 20-foot wingspans and give birth to live young. Ancient rituals once bestowed upon pterafolk the ability to assume the forms of pteranodons and wingless lizardfolk, but those rituals have long been forgotten.  
  • 1 Tattered Javelin
  • 1d2 Pterafolk Wings (No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (leatherworker's tools) into Hide Armor or Leather Armor.)


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