Zorbo Species in The Full Guide to Faerûn | World Anvil


A zorbo is a ferocious omnivore similar in size and appearance to a koala. Living in trees and caves, it has long claws, a dour disposition, and a fondness for humanoid flesh. A zorbo alters its natural armor to match its surroundings, and it can weaken and destroy armor, shields, and protective magic items with its sharp claws.  
  • 1 Zorbo Hide (No immediate use. 5 of these can be carefully crafted (leatherworker's tools) into Zorbo Hide Armor. A creature wearing Zorbo Hide Armor has AC based on the material it is standing on: AC 15 for wood or bone, AC 17 for earth or stone, AC 19 for metal, and AC 10 if the creature isn't standing on any material.)


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