Anne Bray

Anne Bray

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born as part of the Bray clan who lived outside toe village of Puhi. Anne was the second twin born, with his brother Aaran being but minutes older.

Growing up Anne Bray lived with his small clan just outside the town of Puhi in the Kingdom of Groinsmirth. His clan were peaceful folk helping to take care of the forest and assisting the farmers of Puhi with their yearly harvests. Suddenly, as if overnight the humans of Puhi turned against them, coming in and slaying most of the Bray Clan.

As the humans were about to kill Anne his latent magical power surged through him, lighting the entire encampment on fire. This power surge was enough to save what was left of Anne's clan, and provide escape for him and several others. To this day he fights to control this strange power that led to his life being spared.

Failures & Embarrassments

Born the second child, Anne has lived most of his life as being the "never quite good enough" younger brother. In addition to his magic not coming in as soon as his brothers, Anne has struggled to live up to the impossible expectations he placed upon himself.

Personality Characteristics


Anne wants nothing more then to get revenge on those he feels have wronged him. This includes those humans in Puhi who slaughtered his family, and those who stood by while he was smited by a god. Additionally proving himself as good as, or better then his brother would be a major boon in his book.
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Year of Birth
640 63 Years old

Cover image: by MandoMc Designs


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