Session 57, 58, & 59:

General Summary

Day 24

Quzal tries to steal some bolts, River is successful, Quzal makes a deal with the black smith, to get the bolts in exchange for helping the town. River sits and starts reading the manuals. Belis and Meltrin walk the town. Hades and Zulo walk the town. A 5 room house is given the the party for the night.
  • River and Quzal take a room.
  • Hades and Zulo share a room.
  • Belis has a room.
  • Nori has a room. Sleeps on the roof.
  • Meltrin has a room. Sleeps by the front door.
  • Meltrin takes first watch. Meltrin sees it flying in the distance. River takes second watch. River sees a black mass flying in the moonlight. Quzal takes third watch. As River gets comfortable in her bed, she hears a blood curtling scream

    Battle ensues

  • River tosses her trident and tries to recall it remembering to late that her trident is magical and it won't come back.
  • Quzal ends up hitting Hades with his cross bow.
  • Belis punches one to death after Meltrin falls unconscious
  • Day 25

    Meltin has a conversation with one of the remaining 4 individuals of Agzar. Finds out that the current residents will not remain in Agzar. Hades and Zulo stay with the cart.

    Day 28

    Hades and Zulo see a boat coming up the river. Hades recognizes the boat as his parents.
    by MandoMc Designs (via MidJourney)
    Which organization do you belong to?
    Report Date
    25 Jul 2022

    Cover image: by MandoMc Designs


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