Alduraxaes, the Northern Nightmare

Alduraxaes was an incredible white dragon that fled to Elzveir during the Dragon War in Aduna, in roughly the year 400 PR. He made the mistake of fleeing to the Kongrikelm of the North and, while it took countless gaian tribesmen with him, Alduraxaes was slain by the gaians shortly after his attempt to make the land his new home. The site of his death in the mountains at the center of Elzveir's Northland came to be called Denhvdod Aldur, or "The Site of Aldur's Death" in the Gaian tongue. When Karina Basaran conquered the north, she renamed the area to "The Spine of Aldur" and used that title to refer to the entire northern mountain range.
772 PR 396 PR 376 years old
Place of Death


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