Atan Drakechild (UH-TAHN DRAYK-CH-ILE-D)

Duke Atan Drakechild

The last Viceroy of Buern, before Hafiz Basaran II dubbed it a Principality and appointed his son as the Sovereign Prince of Buern. Atan Drakechild was the Viceroy of Buern from the year 149 to 162. Born 128 AR. He was made a duke as a show of good faith when he was pushed out of the role of Viceroy. [distant descendant of Imren Drakechild, but parent heritage has not been created. Distant child of Nathaniell Drakechild and Eylula Basaran-Drakechild.]
Year of Birth
128 AR 174 Years old


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