Bheldrak Vanatore

Once a proud Arctic Gaian of the Vanatore clan in Degera, Bheldrak departed from his tribe in 22 PR to pursue a dangerous exiled clan member named Filch the Abductor. His pursuit brought him to Masca, where he met Chaos Legion for the first time. Their paths would cross again prior to the adventuring party's first encounter with Zarthilx, then a third time when Bheldrak journeyed to Castle Dracongrsl to meet with Frederick Catia and undergo the Rite of the Sovereign Saurian. After the rite, he assumed the appearance of a platinum-scaled Scalefolk and traded in his glaive for the legendary Fang of Dragoste. He would then continue journeying with Chaos Legion for a time before parting ways to investigate Marius von Inalt, which led to his capture and torture at the hands of the mad lich Sullivar before V'Raj Eladrin rescued him with the help of Chaos Legion's members. Together with Chaos Legion, he then took down Marius and, eventually, Zarthilx.  

After the defeat of Zarthilx, Bheldrak spent nearly two decades rebuilding the Talon Order. His life as a leader of the Talons was interrupted when the former Chaos Legion member Adalius von Lamalet seemed to be on a rampage through Aen. His quest to halt the war path of his old companion led to Bheldrak's involvement in the Reckoning, which saw him undergo the Moonmaiden's Exaltation that later allowed him to aid in sealing away Urguzuth, the Eldest Evil.

Lawful Good
Current Status
Date of Birth
Orlin 6th, 53 PR
Date of Death
53 PR 43 AR 96 years old
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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