Breakfast at Tiffanely's

Breakfast at Tiffanely's presents a charming narrative set in the steam-laden streets of Lumina City, a gem in the crown of the Suorran Film Group's portfolio from the year 300 AR. The film centers around Tiffanely Glimmer, a captivating and enigmatic socialite with a penchant for the latest in steam-powered fashion and a dream of mingling with the city's inventive elite. Her world is turned upside down by the arrival of Penn Barrington, an aspiring scribe with a penchant for tales of adventure and innovation. Together, they navigate the glittering social maze of Lumina City, from high-flying airship soirees to the secretive corners of inventor's guilds, uncovering the true essence of connection, aspiration, and the art of living amidst the gears and glamour of society.
Entertainment, Movie


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