
Asuliad's Divine Domain is a pair of impossibly tall mountains rising from an eternal black sea. Atop each mountain is a castle, identical to the castle opposite it, connected by an iron bridge. Anyone entering Asuliad’s Divine Realm for the first time will arrive at the center of the bridge, where the incredible bat that is Asuliad is perched, ready to pass judgment on those who have arrived in his realm. Those who he deems unworthy will be dismissed to a castle filled with torment and sorrow. Those he deems worthy will be sent to the opposite castle, where they may relax and converse with one another for eternity.

The castles are mirror images of one another in terms of layout, but that is where the similarities end. One is filled with shredded and moth-eaten tapestries and rugs, horrifying paintings, and shattered windows that permit frigid winds to freeze inhabitants. The other, where the worthy are sent, features an unlimited supply of beautiful art, always-lit and warm hearths, and boundless wine.

Plane of Existence


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