DoA|Chapter 0|Part 2: Ava, Erakhan, and Sidra

General Summary

Erakhan Stagbreaker Makathune and Ava returned to Doilea after a long hunting trip, during which Erakhan had suffered a nasty bite from one of the wolves they had been charged with killing. Erakhan's coat was torn up in the process, so he and Ava went to find their friend Sidra Snowdrift at On the Mend to get it patched up. Sidra quickly repaired the coat, then did her best to cure Erakhan's wound with a few strips of cloth. Once Erakhan was ready, Sidra told him and Ava that it was her birthday and that she'd like to spend the evening celebrating.

So they went to the place of Sidra's choosing: The Broken Brazier, to celebrate. The celebration was interrupted when Doilean guards barged into the tavern and announced that a blizzard was on the way, creating a sense of urgency in the people of Doilea. As Erakhan and his companions were preparing to depart from the tavern to seek shelter in their homes, the guards approached Erakhan with an assignment from the Master Trapper, which Erakhan accepted. Together with Ava and Sidra, Erakhan set out into the biting winds of northern Degera, seeking the quarry assigned to them by Izumi Arisada.

With Ava's help, they made quite a bit of headway in the investigation, but their progress was cut short as the blizzard intensified and drew nearer, forcing them to scramble for shelter in the dark. They found it, or so it seemed. After another hour of travel, they happened upon a cottage north of Doilea, belonging to a goatherd that they had been told was a bit of an isolated loner. The trio took a deep breath and pushed through the property's gate...

Report Date
24 Jan 2021
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