DoA|Chapter 1|Part 1: Parasitic Invaders

General Summary


Sidra, Erakhan, and Ava arrived at the Thunderstep Estate just as the blizzard was unleashing its full force. Once they'd crossed the threshold, Ava passed out after a frantic repeat of Anton's words: "The night of your life." She was then carried inside by Erakhan, who was quickly nudged by Sidra when the Tabaxi woman noticed bits of smeared, poorly-wiped blood on the floorboards of the estate. After dancing around the subject for a while, Erakhan and his group broached the topic of the blood with their hosts, among other things. Through this interaction, Wetzel, Medrekk, and Cafley cautiously told their guests that mere minutes ago, they'd been attacked by a half-elven man with a strange affliction.


Wetzel expounded more than his friends, telling Erakhan all he knew. He described the little maggot-like things that had come from the mouth of the half-elf after he'd bitten Wetzel's arm. It was Medrekk, Wetzel explained, who had saved the day and killed the half-elf, whom Cafley didn't believe to be undead and who she in fact believed to have been a corpse the entire time, possibly for more than a day. Erakhan was rightfully skeptical and grew warier when he inspected the partially-burned corpse of the half-elf and saw its completely crushed skull and chest. His investigation did allow him to see the maggot-like creatures that Wetzel had mentioned, giving some credence to the tale he'd told.


The next day, all but Medrekk and Cafley set out for a brief investigation into the track diversions Erakhan had been inspecting during the blizzard, only to find that all traces of the tracks had been covered. While returning to the Thunderstep Estate, a mechanical squirrel popped out of Wetzel's coat and began to chime "anomaly detected" until Wetzel silenced it. Wetzel explained that the little machine was designed to help him locate anomalies, and he now believed that one was likely near the cottage. Some quick experimenting brought further credence to his belief, and he ultimately concluded that the maggots, which likely still lived, were the anomaly that was being detected. So, he and the others worked together to ensure the destruction of the little maggots, burning them atop one of Medrekk's blankets from the cottage.


Believing there was no way they could have gotten all of the anomalies, Wetzel advised that Medrekk gather his goats and head to town with them, rather than risk remaining in that place. Medrekk begrudgingly agreed, gathered his herd, and led them south toward Doilea with the others. Together, the six travelers trudged through the snow until they happened upon a gnome riding an elk. The gnome explained that he was an inspector, sent by Goldmaester Genjor to inspect the lumberyard. He was a bit cagey but did reveal that Umkas, the wagon driver Erakhan had been sent to find, had made it to Doilea with his wagon before the blizzard hit. He didn't reveal much beyond that.


Once in Doilea, Erakhan told Master Trapper Izumi Arisada all he had learned from his investigation. He also introduced Izumi to Wetzel, whom Izumi believed could be useful given his ability to track and locate the "anomalies." Izumi suggested that Erakhan escort Wetzel and the others to the lumberyard to search for the anomalies, but not before they relayed the news of Elnan's death to his desperate mother. The group agreed and, with Cafley's help, told Yvonne Valleth of Elnan's passing. Yvonne refused to believe it and wouldn't stop rambling about individuals ransacking her home and leaving a threatening note for her. Two individuals, she said—human, by the looks of them, though their mouths and noses had been covered and they'd worn hoods.


Feeling a tinge of remorse over what had become of Elnan, Cafley and the others agreed to take a look at her house, since the Doilean Watch didn't seem to be of much help...

Report Date
13 Feb 2021
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