DoA|Chapter 1|Part 4: Preacher's Request

General Summary


The group spent a week grappling with their new reality. Some found odd jobs, while others resorted to stealing to earn a living. Ava, in particular, found herself picking pockets in the odd hours of the day. Unfortunately, this led to her being attacked in an alley of Doilea by a human man and woman, resulting in her being stabbed in the ribs and left gutted, bleeding out in the snow. Suddenly, she found herself standing in an empty, dark, watery void, hearing two voices: one beckoning her to swim down, another urging her to wake up. Choosing the latter, she reached up, clutching the arm of a stranger, and found herself face to face with the Herald of the Coming End, who had been speaking outside of the Weeping House a few nights before. He brought her to the Weeping House for healing.


Meanwhile, Medrekk sought information on a woman named Jata Makenna. His search led him and Cafley to the Haughty Harpy to meet a man known as Wiz, who was reputed to "know things." Medrekk paid for the meeting and struck a deal with Wiz: in exchange for information on Jata Makenna, Medrekk would complete a job involving a halfling man, Wilzor Bree, who had faked his death and stolen something valuable and possibly illegal. Rumor had it that Wilzor was now hiding south of Doilea, in Minde. Medrekk's task was to bring Wilzor's head and the stolen item back to Wiz.


As Medrekk and Cafley negotiated this deal, the preacher, Adam Beyers, sought out Ava. He approached Erakhan at the Doilean Lodge, requesting his help to find her. As they walked and talked, Adam revealed his need for an escort to Mount Gikwar to investigate signs of the Coming End's arrival. With Erakhan out of work, Adam offered him a gold piece for every day of travel, promising to buy him a shortbow and arrows upon reaching Minde.


After discussing with his companions, Erakhan and the others agreed to accompany the preacher, who promised to pay each of them a gold piece for every day of travel. However, Adam needed a week in each town to preach and gather funds, planning to stay longer in Doilea to prepare. This delay suited Medrekk, who proposed a venture to Minde in search of Wilzor Bree. The group agreed to assist Medrekk, and together, they rented a carriage and set off southward towards Minde.


Medrekk and Wetzel took the front seats of the carriage, with Medrekk holding the reins. As they embarked on their journey, a red sparrow with golden-trimmed feathers, possibly the same one they had seen before, fluttered in front of them momentarily before flying back towards Doilea.

Report Date
13 Mar 2021


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