DoA|Chapter 2|Part 3: Devil's Oath

General Summary

Song: Royal Rat Authority by Motoi Sakuraba and Yuka Kitamura    

In the chilling aftermath of the assault, with bullets and crossbow bolts whizzing past, The Seekers found themselves locked in a desperate struggle against the remnants of Slackjaw's gang. The lantern tossed by Erakhan illuminated the attackers, setting the stage for a fierce confrontation. Amid the chaos, Wetzel's squirrel alarmingly signaled an anomaly, and the earth trembled ominously underfoot, hinting at deeper, darker forces at play.


The battle reached its climax as Slackjaw and one of his henchmen fell, but not before Erakhan engaged in a fierce duel with Vichol, the formidable white dragonborn. In a shocking turn, Vichol was vanquished by ethereal, pink daggers wielded by none other than Ava, revealed in her bird form, marking her unexpected return to the fray.


However, the moment of relief was fleeting as the group faced a new horror: infested human corpses, remnants of their previous encounters, now reanimated and charging with unnerving speed. The situation grew dire as the monstrous white bear they had encountered weeks before emerged, its roar cutting through the air with menacing authority.


Adam Beyers, recognizing the futility of combat, urged retreat, but his advice went unheeded as the group stood their ground. The ensuing battle was brutal, pushing each member to their limits and beyond, with Erakhan's apparent demise marking a dark moment. Yet, in a twist of fate, he was whisked away by the enigmatic Valgramith, a being of daunting presence and cryptic intentions, who offered Erakhan a grim game of survival.


Reunited, albeit under the shadow of looming threats, the group sought solace in a brief respite, their bond strengthened by the trials endured. Wetzel's mysterious vision in a diner, shared with a familiar figure, added layers of intrigue and uncertainty to their journey, hinting at unseen forces and hidden truths.


As they ventured back towards the site of their recent battle, seeking to reclaim what was left behind, the relentless pursuit of the bear reminded them of the ever-present danger lurking within the forest's depths. Their desperate flight through the dense woods, with the bear's menacing presence close behind, led them to a precipice, a literal edge where fight or flight merged into a single, inevitable stand.


There, at the cliff's edge, with darkness yawning below and the bear's triumphant roar echoing around them, The Seekers prepared to confront their fate. United by their shared ordeals and driven by a will to survive, they faced the beast, not as individuals, but as a team forged in adversity, ready to stand their ground against the imposing threat before them.

Report Date
13 Feb 2024


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