DoA|Chapter 2|Part 4: Salvation

General Summary


In the face of the formidable bear, The Seekers employed every tactic at their disposal, from intimidation to firepower, yet the beast remained undeterred, focusing its savage assault on Medrekk Thunderstep. As Medrekk was brutally overpowered, a glimmer of hope appeared in the form of a red sparrow, which momentarily distracted the bear but was swiftly dispatched, revealing its true identity as Joggor, the God of Stories. Joggor's divine intervention, marked by a dazzling display of might and a burst of healing energy, turned the tide, granting Medrekk and the group a narrow escape.


Their journey, fraught with danger and discovery, led them to Minde for a brief respite before venturing into the uncharted territories south of Sorovean Pass. It was there that the skies tore open, heralding the descent of a metallic dragon, an event that left them in awe and contemplation as they deciphered the inscriptions along its body, similar to the mysterious Metascript witnessed in Sidra's note and Wetzel's visions.


Adam Beyers, familiar with the arcane script, shared his knowledge, revealing the perilous nature of Metascript—a language born from the clash of realities, not meant for mortal comprehension. The revelation that the text served as a safeguard, preventing the transfer of knowledge across realities and preserving the sanctity of each, provided a sobering perspective on their encounters with the script.


Their discourse was abruptly interrupted by a spectacle on the horizon: a mesmerizing dance of rifts in hues of purple, magenta, green, and blue, converging around Mount Gikwar. This display, visible even amidst the harsh conditions of the Withering, illuminated a chaotic ballet of foreign objects in the sky, colliding and shattering in a display that defied the natural order. This surreal tableau underscored a profound realization among the group—that they were witnesses to, and perhaps participants in, events that transcended their understanding of reality and belonging.


Confronted with phenomena that challenged the very fabric of their world, The Seekers stood at the precipice of a greater narrative, one interwoven with divine machinations, interdimensional rifts, and the enigmatic Metascript. As they gazed upon the spectacle before them, they understood that their journey was far from over; it was evolving into a quest that might unravel the mysteries of the universe itself, or at the very least, redefine their place within it.

Report Date
15 May 2021


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