DoA|Chapter 2|Part 5: Yetis!

General Summary


As they navigated the Sorovean Pass, the conversation among The Seekers turned to their experiences with the Withering and the absence of the sun. Orroe, with decades of memories under the sun's warmth, shared her longing for the days of eternal autumn in Paria, contrasting sharply with the perpetual cold and darkness that now enveloped their world. Cafley, too, reminisced about the sun, though her memories seemed less vivid than Orroe's. The discussion then spiraled into a deeper reflection on whether it was more painful to have experienced the sun's warmth only to lose it, or to have never known it at all. The consensus leaned towards the former, highlighting the profound loss felt by those who once lived under its glow.


That evening, as the group made camp, Erakhan took the first watch, followed by Sidra and Adam. Wetzel planned to stay up during these watches and rest during the latter ones. However, as Sidra and Adam kept watch, they noticed a large figure moving in the distance. Assuming Wetzel was already in his sentry's rest, they decided to investigate without him, thinking they could retreat if the situation became too perilous. Their venture led to a sudden ambush by a large yeti, which captured them and placed them in a cage, causing severe injuries in the process. Adam's attempts to call for help were lost to the wind.


Trapped and injured, Adam and Sidra weighed their options for escape, including using Misty Step and Wild Shape, but the yeti's speed and the harsh conditions dissuaded them. Their situation worsened when the yeti handed them over to two even more formidable yetis. Adam resorted to leaving a blood trail as a sign for their companions, marking their path until Sidra urged him to conserve his strength.


The yetis brought them to a foul-smelling cave, transferring them to a more permanent cage alongside a gnome who had been there for some time. He shared chilling tales of previous captives who attempted escape only to be instantly killed by the yetis' gaze. The newcomers clung to a sliver of hope, bolstered by the thought of their friends coming to their rescue.


Meanwhile, Wetzel and Erakhan, noticing the absence of Sidra and Adam, rallied the group for a rescue mission. Their journey was fraught with peril, including a near-fatal fall by Cafley, saved by Erakhan's quick use of Feather Fall. They encountered the youngest of the yetis, distracted by a rabbit, and engaged it in combat. The yeti, initially startled, became emboldened and attacked, only to be subdued by the group, who spared its life, considering it a potential bargaining tool.


Following Adam's blood trail, the group reached the yetis' cave, where they attempted to negotiate the release of their friends. The yetis, misunderstanding the situation, offered treasure in exchange for what they believed was a gift—their young one returned. The group's exploration of the cave further agitated the yetis, leading to a tense standoff where they realized they needed to trade Sidra for an equal life. Adam's covert escape attempt added a new layer of complexity to the situation, but the group ultimately decided against sacrificing their newly bonded donkey, Gus, opting instead to confront the yetis in battle.


The ensuing fight was brutal and bloody, with The Seekers managing to overcome the yetis and their wolf companion, but at a great cost. Orroe was found grievously wounded, her body torn asunder. Adam suggested a burial within the cave, but the gnome, Vorji, revealed a shocking twist: Orroe was his sister and nemesis, unworthy of such honors in his eyes.

Report Date
29 May 2021
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