Felicity Lunewright

Felicity Lunewright was a half-gnome girl whose brother was killed and eaten by Brel Nymuar III. She trained with the unwitting Lana Vahnce to become an assassin while studying magic under Gertrude "Trudy" Dusktalon and Narek Moonstone. Once she was confident she could infiltrate the Red Hornet Brigade, she assassinated Brel in vengeance for her brother in the year 30 AR.


Following the murder of Brel, Felicity remained a fugitive of the Red Hornet Brigade, with rewards offered for any information on the mysterious murderer of the leader. A centuries-long investigation finally caught up with Felicity, and she took her own life in the year 231 when Vorji Skullreach came to avenge his fallen friend.



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