Fuumir Oshiran

Fuumir Oshiran (white of hair, half-elven man), born 151, half-elven man who took both his mother and father’s names as Prince of Rossade when he assumed the throne in 194. While the people of Fainarr wished to have him replaced on the throne, it was Tuum’s request that his son be given a chance to prove himself a capable ruler and strong ally of Fainarr, which Fuumir went on to do, allowing himself to begin Fainarr’s first line of half-elven rulers. He wed a half-elven common woman with whom he found solace given their unique heritage, Stella Okamri, in 176. As a half-elven man, Fuumir still reigns in Rossade, and was present for both the Courting of Ejiiri and Leonov’s War.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
151 AR 151 Years old
Aligned Organization


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