Raem Einhr

Raem Einhr was a single-minded individual whose life was forever changed when his daughter was killed by a stray firebolt cast by a magician in Fainarr Capital. He vowed vengeance against the magician, Sullivar, by any means necessary. Even after learning that the death of his daughter had legitimately been unintentional on Sullivar's behalf as his flame's misguided trajectory had been the result of interference from Amagi, Raem still mindlessly sought to kill the magician. In his pursuit of revenge, he followed Sullivar to Castle von Inalt where he was brutally torn in half by the recently-awakened Marius von Inalt. Raem's relentless pursuit of Sullivar is believed to have contributed significantly to Sullivar's own pursuit of power and eventual insanity, as he lived in constant fear of being killed for what he perceived as a tragic accident that had been outside of his control.

For a brief period, Raem's goals aligned with Chaos Legion, as he encountered them in Masca during his journey north to Castle von Inalt. He aided them in defeating Filch the Abductor, angered by the gaian man's kidnapping of innocent children. This earned him the title of honorary member, though he would not see them again while he was aliveā€”the party instead encountered his reanimated, shredded corpse in the crypts of Castle von Inalt.

Current Status
Date of Birth
Orlin 40th, 58 PR
Date of Death
Ruadd 23rd, 22 PR
58 PR 22 PR 36 years old
Circumstances of Death
Torn in half by King Marius von Inalt
Place of Death


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