Sala dos Segredos

The tavern’s exterior is unassuming, with once-rich wood panels that are now weathered, having been worn down by the harsh atmosphere of Suorr, but once inside patrons are greeted by a well lit space filled with the rich aromas of aged liquors and pipe smoke.

A well-armed private security force stands guard around the tavern, ensuring peace among the fiercely competitive factions that are its most regular customers.. Despite its morally ambiguous clientele, Sala dos Segredos offers an unusual level of comfort and luxury.

The interior boasts ornate designs, with plush red velvet seats and gleaming silverware adorning tables crafted from exotic woods, spaced out intentionally to allow for private conversations. The walls are decorated with faded paintings depicting various fantastical creatures and exotic landscapes, further adding to the tavern’s atmosphere.

Behind the bar is the proprietor, João Barba-Ruiva, a wizened scalefolk man, whose gregarious personality, twinkling eyes and knack for making all feel welcome seem at odds with his rough scaly exterior. His scars are well earned though, and the regulars know that he is not to be crossed, and he will aggressively protect the reputation of his establishment if they get out of line. Further, he has a wealth of knowledge and contacts both from his adventuring days and from running the Tavern. Making him an enemy would be very bad for business.

This is a place where business is conducted openly, yet discreetly – a hub for those seeking knowledge or looking to make lucrative deals in the relatively unregulated commercial scene of the Free Cities of Suorr. While citizens of Suorr can do business of this sort almost everywhere, Ruiva has worked hard to make a name for his establishment as a place where you can do business no matter where you hail from, even if that business would get you into trouble there.

For those who need even more discretion, Ruiva has private rooms with external access by private arrangement, as well as a couple of locations in other parts of the city with magical transport (for a fee) from the tavern to those locations, for those who may need to avoid being seen even patronizing the establishment.


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