Some Like It Steamy

Some Like It Steamy is a steampunk comedy produced by the Suorran Film Group, set in the vibrant and tumultuous era of 275 AR. The film follows the misadventures of Jon Lemoyne and Todry Curt, two struggling musicians who witness a mob hit in the industrial heart of Steamtown. To escape the gangsters' clutches, they disguise themselves as women and join an all-female band on a cross-country journey aboard the luxurious Elzveiran Railroad, a marvel of steam engineering. Amidst the clatter of gears and the hiss of steam, the duo navigates a minefield of romantic entanglements, gender-bending hijinks, and a relentless pursuit by the mob, culminating in a comedic exploration of identity, love, and the lengths to which one will go for survival.
Entertainment, Movie


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