The Lunumbra

Recounting the events of The Condemnation of Morda and the first arrival of the Unknowables in Aen, this tale of legend was quickly collected by the Church of Erindre, with all but a single copy of the text destroyed, the remaining work kept for their own records in the deepest reaches of the library in Verde. It remained there for centuries before it was stolen by Norran Lorakian, who used it to determine what needed to be done to stop the return of the Unknowables and seal away Urguzuth once more. After the Reckoning, Norran was slain by the Church of Erindre, but they were unable to recover the tome. For the last 300 years, the location of the Lunumbra has remained a mystery.


The Lunumbra is a text written not only to recount the events of the first arrival of the Unknowables, but also to advise new guardians on the tools needed to seal away the Unknowables upon their return.
Manuscript, Historical


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