Udel Steelwillow

Udel Steelwillow was one of the key figures during the Reckoning, but prior to that she was the heiress to a vast banking fortune on account of her birthright by Sonat Steelwillow, though technically her estranged brother Imren Drakechild would have inherited it first. After being told by her racist father to stop seeing the orcish woman Batul, she and her then-wife fled Fainarr Capital to make a new home in Doilea to the south. Tragedy struck, though, when Udel's wife became infested with Mortii Parasites and Udel was left with no choice but to execute her beloved. From then on, she worked in the lumberyard north of Doilea until it was shut down after a series of killings and other unexplained phenomenon. She took her strength and capabilities westward then, to Caldtown, where she joined up with Joggor's Mongrels as a mercenary.

This, it turned out, would lead to a great many things for Udel, from returning home to Fainarr in a quest to acquire a Moonlit Armament that she might help stop the end of reality to, more importantly, learning about how time works and, most importantly, marrying once more, this time to Gertrude 'Gerty' Switchback Vanatore."


Date of Birth
Kusarra 11th, 23 PR
Date of Death
23 PR 47 AR 70 years old
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
Aligned Organization


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