Creation of the First Rift

Discovery, Scientific

16/9 12:00

After years of experimentation and study, the Mordan Sovereignty created the first known rift in Aen. The rift was a horrific portal of crackling turquoise and magenta energy through which otherworldly sounds and sights could be heard and seen. It was created at the peak of Mount Gikwar in Degera. While small, it would soon become immense enough for a tremendous horror to step through with its siblings.

The Mordan Sovereignty studied both in the Aquatic and Prime Domains day and night, not permitted to rest, eat, or take any other breaks by their overbearing master. Their mad labor bore fruit after just a couple of years when they finally uncovered a means of creating a portal between their world and others at a research site established at the peak of Mount Gikwar. The problem with this portal, however, was that they could not control where it led to, nor could they stabilize it. The portal snapped and crackled wildly with incomprehensible magic. This portal, since dubbed a rift, sparked and erupted mere minutes after it was first created, shredding half the sovereignty as bits and pieces of them were torn into other realities, leaving only portions of limbs and heads behind. When the rift settled after its eruption, those who remained saw a terrifying being step forth, towering over even the mountain itself. The mere sight of this creature overwhelmed the minds of the Mordan Sovereignty, superseding the mind control of Morda and obliterating any semblance of sanity that still remained within the elves.

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Mount Gikwar
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